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A Blogging Income
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
MAke Money With Your Blog
Blogging for BUCKS is a strategy of scale

And it's actually super easy to do. The more disparate spots, related to your blog that link to you, the more authoritative your blog becomes.

Here is the trick ( and how you can start to make some serious cash....super quick)

(not singularity) Create a minimum of 4 new blogs a month, using automation tools and link all of those sites to your main "money" site. If you've set-up an Internet business but you're not blogging about it, then you're missing out on one of the best ways to get free targeted traffic to your website. The main reason why social bookmarking sites should be a part of your daily Internet business activities is that many people use these sites as their main source of news and gossip. If the blog posts you submit to Digg and other social sites don't get any votes, you're still getting the benefit of building one-way backlinks to your blog, so it's well worth the time in making a point to submit your blog posts to social marketing sites. Speaking of discipline, don't take on too much when it comes to social networking. The other 5-10% of your allocated time can be used to post occasional submissions to other social marketing sites where you want to maintain a presence.

It's almost as if you feel like you know the person, but they are a total stranger and you only happened on their website or blog by accident. After all it is their blog, and we do have free speech in the United States, at least for now. However, getting a blog up and running and keeping it updated is only part of the story. The main reason why social bookmarking sites should be a part of your daily Internet business activities is that many people use these sites as their main source of news and gossip. Other social sites use a similar voting system.

Another benefit from blogging regularly and submitting your posts to social networking sites is branding yourself and building your credibility. Too many people try to submit their post to every social networking site that they can find only to feel overwhelmed by the huge number of social networking sites that have sprung up in a relatively short time.

It's much easier to choose a dozen of the best social networking sites for your business and to concentrate 90-95% of your social networking and marketing effort on making regular submissions to those sites. The other 5-10% of your allocated time can be used to post occasional submissions to other social marketing sites where you want to maintain a presence.

Check out my blogging to the bank review.

Then look at .

Posted by mybloggingttb45 at 11:34 PM EDT
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